• Events
  • Safe Sanctuaries Training

Safe Sanctuaries Training

  • Wednesday, October 02, 2024
  • 8:00 AM - 4:30 PM
  • Oregon Convention Center, Meeting Room B 117, 1st Floor
  • 15


  • General Attendee registration is open to anyone in the United States who would like to attend. We are unable to offer this registration to International attendees at this time.

When people in our communities find the courage and the space to speak up about harassment, trauma, and abuse, our churches can be just the safe sanctuary needed to have helpful, honest conversation that works to raise awareness, incite healing, and lament brokenness. Toward that end, the following resource is offered as a starting point for congregations and their leaders.

Safe Sanctuaries Training equips leaders to pastor people who have experienced the injustice of intimate partner violence and sexual violence. This preconference event will include group work, activities, and a capstone project that develops a plan for immediate implementation in the participant's church or community. 

Please note: There is an online pre-learning requirement before attending the preconference event. The online training is a self-guided introduction to this topic that will allow all participants to begin at the same level of learning. It takes approximately two hours or less to complete the pre-learning. Participants will receive a certificate of completion at the end of the online training to document this learning opportunity. Please create an account on the Covenant's learning platform and complete the "Advocacy for Victims of Abuse Online Training" module under Love Mercy Do Justice.

Learn more at covchurch.org/abuse.

Breakfast and lunch are included. This preconference is sponsored by Love Mercy Do Justice, The Covenant Church

We equip the local church to serve in the areas of criminal justice, domestic disaster response, immigration, intercultural development, community development ministry, economic justice, abuse advocacy, and racial righteousness.

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