• Events
  • Relational Poverty Alleviation Training

Relational Poverty Alleviation Training

  • Wednesday, October 02, 2024
  • 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM
  • Oregon Convention Center, Portland Ballroom 251, 2nd Floor


Everett Gospel Mission (egm) developed the Relational Poverty Alleviation Training based on their innovative Poverty 101 offered to thousands in their community. This training will be an engaging, interactive, and insightful workshop equipping neighbors to practice coming alongside one another and experience mutual transformation. 

By participating in this training:

  • Experienced CCD practitioners will be encouraged and inspired to envision how they can contextualize this core strategy egm uses to engage with our community to alleviate poverty.
  • New practitioners to CCD will accelerate their understanding of relevant concepts, CCD values, and leave better equipped to partner with their neighbors experiencing poverty.
  • Having worked in relational poverty alleviation and homeless services for decades your facilitators will draw from their own transformation, both individually and organizationally, to guide you through challenging content, personal stories, and interactive lessons, inviting you to experience a similar journey of change. That you can take home and use to lead change and collaboration in your communities.

This interactive and experiential training challenges personal biases and prejudices about poverty and provides frameworks to:

  • Understand both material and relational poverty
  • Move away from transactions and toward relationships
  • Introduces practical mental models and tools that improve interpersonal relations
  • Demonstrates discussion and group activities to awaken understanding and improve poverty alleviation competency

Join us in learning more about relational poverty alleviation through mutual transformation. 

For more details about the training and your facilitators see:


Snacks and lunch are included in your registration fee. Registration is open through the day of the event. 

This preconference event is sponsored by Everett Gospel Mission and CCDA PNW Network.


EGM partners with local churches, municipalities and government agencies, higher education and businesses to conduct this training. Since beginning in 2014, we have conducted over 100 trainings to over 3000 people in Snohomish, King, and Pierce Counties in Washington.

The Pacific Northwest Regional Network (CCDA PNW) is one of more than 20 local networks operating under the umbrella of the Christian Community Development Association. Learn more at ccdapnw.com.

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