2019 Border SW/SOCAL CCDA Regional Gathering w/ Cultivate Conference

  • Thursday, February 21, 2019
  • Saturday, February 23, 2019
  • San Diego, CA

Save the Date!

2019 Border SW/SOCAL CCDA Regional Gathering w/ Cultivate Conference


Thursday, February 21

  • 9:00am-3:00pm Pre-Conferences

Friday, February 22

  • 9:00am Plenary Session
  • 10:45am Workshops
  • 12:00pm Lunch with Workshops
  • 1:30pm Workshops
  • 3:00pm Plenary Session
  • 4:30pm Happy Hour
  • 6:00pm Border Southwest CCDA Networking Dinner
  • 7:00pm Spoken Word Book Release Party with Jonathan Brooks

Saturday, February 23

  • 9:00am Plenary Session
  • 10:45am Workshops
  • 12:00pm Lunch with Workshops
  • 1:30pm Workshops
  • 3:00pm Plenary Session
Familiar CCDA faces will be there!
  • Michael Mata,
  • Alexia Salvatierra,
  • Kit Danley, 
  • Sami DiPasquale, 
  • Jonathan Brooks, 
  • Leroy Barber, 
  • Tim Soerens, &
  • Shane Claiborne

Here is a sampling of what will be at the conference!

Thursday, February 21 - Pre-Conference Day

Title: Borders, Immigrants & the Opportunity of Everyday Peace on our Streets
ContributorsJon HutckinsAlejandra Ortiz and more
Hosted by Global Immersion

The rhetoric around borders, walls and immigrants has never been more polarized in our country. In the midst of all it are women, men and children experiencing violence, isolation and fear; both in their own countries and in the United States. While the Borderlands is at the epicenter of this reality, it is not the only place were these realities come alive. In every city and street in our country, there is the opportunity for followers of Jesus to move toward the conflict, pain and injustice as instruments of peace. Over the course of this day, we will go to the center of the immigrant community in San Diego to learn from undocumented people, first generation immigrants and Kingdom leaders who live in Tijuana and San Diego. We will not only learn about immigration, but be equipped with tangible practices to live out in our own contexts as Everyday Peacemakers. The pain is real and the opportunity for transformation and healing is as well.

Innovation and Vitality for Denominations:
ContributorLeroy Barber

Innovation is more than simply starting new churches. It taps into the need for multi-cultural ministry, adaptive change, leading existing churches into their neighborhoods, and community organizing. It requires an understanding of the urban, rural and suburban experience. What does innovation look like in your context?

Friday-Saturday, February 22-23 - Conference 

Casa Shalom: A Social Experiment in Community Living:
ContributorsJohn BultenBlanca PedigoStephen Bracht

Casa Shalom is a housing co-op that is a program of East Central Ministries in Albuquerque, NM. It is intended to be an affordable, intentional community where residents share resources and responsibilities, and it also provides a way for families who may not qualify for a traditional mortgage to build equity. Twelve families of mixed age, race, culture and socio-economic status live together at Casa Shalom. This workshop will feature the executive director of East Central Ministries as well as two current residents of Casa Shalom. You will learn more about the history and organization of the co-op, as well as learn about some of the joys and challenges of living in the community from current residents. This workshop will be a panel discussion format with plenty of audience engagement.

The Central American Journey of Migrants: Reality & Response to our Neighbors from the South: 
ContributorsKit Danley (Neighborhood Ministries, Phoenix, AZ), Sami DiPasquale (Ciudad Nueva Community Outreach, El Paso)

Recently a group of Christian Community Development practitioners journeyed to Honduras, El Salvador and Guatemala to learn more about our neighbors in Central America who are being pushed to migrate and risk all for a better life in the US. Join us to learn more about why our hearts were broken on this journey by the poverty, violence and corruption, encouraged by those standing strong in their communities, and challenged by the words given to us to share with the church in the United States. In this workshop we will explore some of the realities in Central America, share some ways churches are responding to asylum seekers in border communities, and envision our role in God’s restorative story as these new neighbors arrive at our doorsteps around the country.

Mailboxes, Stucco and Graffiti: The Built Environment as Narrative
Contributors: Michael Mata

Knowing how to read the physical landscape as a text can uncover clues to the history, the current concerns and values, and even the future of an urban neighborhood. Learning the story of a place can better inform the curation of culturally relevant and hope-filled engagement with that community.

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